Dear Mamas, I see you.

Dear Mamas,
I hope your coffee is strong.
I hope whatever work you do alongside your momming fills your cup.
I hope you laugh a lot.
I hope you have many Champagne moments.
I hope you always prioritize your health (mental and physical).
I hope you make time for intimacy.
I hope you have a hobby.
I hope you give yourself grace.
I hope your tears are for joy, and when they’re not I hope what’s causing them doesn’t last long.
I hope you slow down, at least enough to not miss the things that you truly care about.
I hope you ask for help.
I hope you find and cultivate your tribe, and if you don’t I hope you create one. I hope you listen to you intuition.
I hope you dream big; too-embarrassing-to-say-out-loud, Big.
I hope you make time for friends.
I hope you make time for yourself.
I hope you continue to tell yourself how proud you are of yourself and the life you’ve created.
I hope you experience many small moments of joy, which after all are the big moments that really matter.
I hope you forgive yourself.
I hope you let mom guilt only last a moment.
I hope you always ask for what you need.
I hope you stop comparing yourself to others.
I hope you let all the moments of challenge and failure fuel you and redirect you to where and who you want and need to be.
I hope you share your stories, and especially your struggles.
I hope you love your life loudly, and with reckless abandon.
I hope you never forget how strong, capable and exceptional you are in all (sleepless and impossible) seasons of life.
And I hope you know you’re worth it, and that you’re doing a great job.
With love, A Fellow Mom-In-Progress #MomLife